I am going to college now. As math has always been my problem area , I purchased the course material in advance. I am plan on learning a handful of topics before the classes begin . Any kind of tools would be much appreciated that could assist me to start studying ratios and propertions related apptitude questions myself.
What exactly don't you understand about ratios and propertions related apptitude questions? I remember having difficulty with the same thing in Basic Math, so I think I could try to give you some advice on how to handle such problems. However if you want help with math on a long term basis, then you should get Algebrator, that's what I did in my Algebra 1, and I have to say it's the best ! It's less expensive than a tutor and you can use it anytime you want . It's very easy to use it , even if you never ever used a similar software . I would advise you to get it as soon as you can and forget about getting a algebra teacher. You won't regret it!
I used Algebrator as well, especially in Algebra 2. It helped me a great deal , and you won't believe how simple it is to use! It solves the tasks and it also describes everything step by step. Better than a teacher!
Accessing the program is simple . All you want to know about it is accessible at https://sofsource.com/quadratic-expressions-completing-squares.html. You are guaranteed satisfaction. And in addition , there is a money-back guarantee. Hope this is the end of your search .