Hello friends, I misplaced my math textbook yesterday. It’s out of stock and so I can’t find it in any of the shops near my place. I have an option of hiring a private instructor but then I live in a very far off place so any tutor would charge high rates to come over. Now the thing is that I have my exam next week and I am not able to study since I misplaced my textbook. I couldn’t read the chapters on elementary school addition partial-sum method and elementary school addition partial-sum method. A few more topics such as relations, slope, fractional exponents and side-side-side similarity are still confusing me. I need some help guys!
I do understand what your problem is, but if you could explain in greater detail the areas in which you are facing struggling, then I might be in a better position to help you out . Anyhow I have a suggestion for you, try Algebrator. It can solve a wide variety of questions, and it can do so within minutes. And that’s not it , it also gives a detailed step-by-step description of how it arrived at a particular solution . That way you don’t just solve your problem but also get to understand how to go about solving it. I found this software to be particularly useful for solving questions on elementary school addition partial-sum method. But that’s just my experience, I’m sure it’ll be good for other topics as well.
Hello there. Algebrator is really amazing ! It’s been months since I used this program and it worked like magic! Math problems that I used to spend solving for hours just take me 4-5 minutes to solve now. Just enter the problem in the software and it will take care of the solving and the best part is that it displays the whole solution so you don’t have to figure out how did the software come to that answer.
Algebrator is the program that I have used through several algebra classes - Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Remedial Algebra. It is a truly a great piece of algebra software. I remember of going through difficulties with graphing, exponential equations and adding exponents. I would simply type in a problem homework, click on Solve – and step by step solution to my algebra homework. I highly recommend the program.